"Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun." ~George Scialabba

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Quiet Kind of Passion

When you think of passion, you think of fire and lust. You think of burning emotions that capture and demand attention, loud noises of exclamation and inspiration, and of hurried and perpetual movement. The idea of passion isn't new and is understood quite well, and I really have no place telling you differently but I would like to let a though flow. So, if you would be so kind, let me vent for awhile?

My favorite kind of Passion is the quiet kind. The kind you really don't see or hear because it is so quiet and controlled that you can't be bothered to find it. It's the kind of Passion that comes in the form of a student studying late at night for a subject there is no test on,a man buying every book he sees for a library on he knows about, a girl writing stories about stories for no one else but her. These simple actions are only done with the greatest of loves and to feel that quiet love and Passion must truly be something special. I've never felt it. I wish I had though. I wish in the future I will.

Determination and Passion are emotions no one thinks to ask for but I think everyone needs to feel right. I'm neither passionate nor determined, I am in apathetic to most everything and if there was one thing I wish I had it would be passion or determination. To feel strongly for something, something you can accomplish would be thrilling. To want to work towards a goal and feel the need to move and be active would be amazing. To feel beyond mild interest and to see a future filled with something would be beautiful.

Oh well, I hope to know in the future. Maybe that's the beginning of Passion, the quiet kind. Having a goal, a wish, a hope.