"Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun." ~George Scialabba

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Relationship issues...

144 pages into SHADOWCRY and I'm wondering if it's just me or the entirety of the Young Adult section. Something isn't agreeing with me. The book isn't bad per say, just typical. It starts with an orphan and leads to magical death powers. I think Harry Potter already covered the magical orphan thing.

I think the Young Adult section and I need to sit down and discuss our issues. This relationship obviously isn't working right. I was willing to forgive the genre for horrendous pieces like Twilight and Maximum Ride, but when everything else is just sub par I can't overlook the overall depressing situation. The standards for what is a well written and original has slipped, probably because of the profit gained from typical romantic dramas. I wish people cared about what was out in the real world, literature-wise.

I guess it's not all bad. I distinctly remember enjoying the RedWall series despite it long drawn out plot. These books might just be better as stories that make you feel good, not necessarily to mentally stimulate you. If so, there not exactly the riveting novel I'm looking for, but they have promise as stories of their own. In their own way, they have achieved their purpose.

The official review on SHADOWCRY won't be out until I finish the story, but I feel a little bit more confident about it now. A clean mind might be just what I needed to enjoy it.

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